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Nice to meet you!

I am Yasmina Fadel, an adept games producer with a proven track record in fostering connectivity and focus within remote teams. Over the course of my career, I've had the privilege of assuming diverse interdisciplinary roles, providing me with comprehensive insights into game development from various perspectives. Leveraging this hands-on experience, I possess a profound understanding of team dynamics, enabling them to thrive and surpass expectations. Additionally, I adopt a pragmatic approach when engaging with stakeholders or publishers, grounded in realistic assessments of project requirements and objectives.

Paul Tapper, CEO of Fruity Systems

"Yasmina has proven herself a very versatile and dedicated team member.  Her clear and compassionate communication skills, organisation, attention to detail, but also ability to grasp the big picture of a project with its various demands and risks, has been invaluable.  She has been excellent at interfacing with external stakeholders, running team meetings, and coming up with creative solutions to scheduling and task-dependency problems.  She also contributed a great deal to biz dev, game design, level design, 2D art and marketing.  Her positivity and professionalism will be a huge asset to any team she is part of."

Releasing a game is hard enough! 

In an industry where crunch is common, it takes a great deal of time & resource management along with foresight to be able to maintain and improve a team’s work/life balance and environment. This ubiquitous struggle piqued my curiosity…surely we can do better! I am dedicated to listening to teams in a 1-to-1 or group setting so that I can learn how to be your biggest advocate in order to provide the environment where you can flourish, so let’s work together!

Fruity Systems early day brainstorming

Compassionate collaboration

Building personal connections with teams, offering a listening ear and fostering an environment for requests and questions takes time but holds immense value. Production struggles often stem from unmet company-wide needs, spanning from software gaps to emotional support. My goal is to cultivate these human connections to prioritize the team's well-being and productivity.

During Space Salvage, our programming lead faced constant interruptions dealing with technical issues across the team, hindering their focus on short-term goals. To address this, we established designated "no meetings" hours in the daily planner, providing uninterrupted time for task completion. This initiative was especially advantageous for neurodivergent employees.

Agile Development

The game development process is inherently iterative, and relying on archaic production methods entrenched in outdated documents can impede team progress and yield subpar results. Timely design discussions to reassess priorities and scope are imperative to prevent overpromising and underdelivering, common factors contributing to crunch. Hence, maintaining flexibility and facilitating rapid adjustments are pivotal for ensuring a successful production pipeline.


In Space Salvage regular design meetings to revisit previous decisions and reflect on the project’s current state greatly reduced crunch especially towards the last quarter of development

Future Technologies

In addition to conventional gaming platforms, I've been actively exploring the potential of VR and emerging XR technologies as captivating avenues for development. My involvement in the immersive media domain has connected me with a multitude of enthusiastic individuals seeking challenges or longing for the nostalgic essence reminiscent of retro game development, akin to the early era of consoles.

This journey led me to join the esteemed team at Fruity Systems, where I've had the opportunity to refine my skills in standalone VR game development and deepen my understanding of this emerging market.

Advisory Experience

Meticulous attention to detail and impartial approach to ongoing development led to my appointment to the advisory board of Fruity Systems, alongside seasoned industry professionals. Engaging in dialogue with experts whose seniority surpasses mine has underscored the significance of maintaining objectivity and detachment from superficial subjectivity. This perspective has been instrumental in accurately assessing current situations and effectively planning for future steps.

Participation in advisory board meetings has been invaluable, offering me impartial perspectives that have either realigned my focus or provided affirmation that I am on the correct path.

Pitching & funding

Building or upgrading pitches was an integral part of working in a startup, with the company's viability often hinging on securing funding and meeting milestones once established. Maintaining ongoing relationships with stakeholders and publishers is crucial for fostering healthy working dynamics and managing expectations throughout production.

My previous experience as a business developer has nurtured  my confidence in networking and maintaining connections with a diverse pool of professionals.

Involvement, attendence and recognition

Oculus Start Programme
Meta Connect
Women in Tech York
Fruity Systems
Game Republic
York Bid

Get in touch!

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